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关于申报2024-2025学年中国政府奖学金国别双边项目的通知 Call for Application for 2024-2025 Academic Year Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program

来源: 时间:2023年11月21日 浏览次数: 【字体:


Call for Application for 2024-2025 Academic Year Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program

  1. 2024/2025学年中国政府奖学金-国别双边项目申请于2023年11月21日正式开始,受国家留学基金委委托,中国驻匈牙利大使馆文化教育处继续向匈牙利籍申请人提供基于两国双边合作协议框架下的国别双边奖学金项目。可通过中国国家留学基金委留学中国网站(https://www.campuschina.org)了解奖学金项目介绍和提供中国政府奖学金的中国高校介绍等信息。

  Application for 2024/2025 Academic Year Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program is officially announced in November 21, 2023. Under the framework of the Bilateral agreement signed by China and Hungary, entrusted by China Scholarship Council (CSC), the Culture & Education Office of Chinese Embassy in Hungary will continue to provide Chinese Government Scholarship through Bilateral Program in 2024. Introductions about the scholarship program and Chinese universities that offer Chinese Government Scholarship could be referred to the website of China Scholarship Council. (https://www.campuschina.org

  2. 该奖学金项目为面向匈牙利籍公民的全额奖学金,关于该项目的具体信息,请下载以下相关附件并仔细阅读。如有任何问题,请发邮件studyinchina.hu@gmail.com

  The program is a full scholarship for Hungarian citizens. For detailed information of this program, please download the documents below and read them carefully. If you have any questions, please send emails to studyinchina.hu@gmail.com for consultation.

  3. 所有奖学金申请者请直接登http://www.campuschina.org注册,在线申请提交材料。请申请者在“项目类别”里选择“Type A”, 在“机构代码”里选择“3481”。 申请者请于2024年1月24日星期三前完成在线申请,并将自动生成的申请表下载打印出来签字确认后,附上其余所有需要提交且符合要求的申请材料,不晚于2024年1月24日星期三发送至中国驻匈牙利大使馆文化教育处联系邮箱studyinchina.hu@gmail.com。

All applicants should log on to the website of CSC (http://www.campuschina.org) to register, apply and submit required documents online. Please choose “Type A for “Program Category” and “3481” for “Agency Number”. Applicants are requested to complete the online application by Wednesday, January 24, 2024. After generating the application form, please download, print, sign, and confirm. The signed application form should be scanned, together with all other required application materials that meet the specified criteria, please send no later than Wednesday, January 24, 2024, to the Culture & Education Office of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary at the email address studyinchina.hu@gmail.com.


  Thank you for your attention to Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program!


附件 Attachments:

1. Guide to 2024-2025 Academic Year Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program..docx

2. Chinese Government Scholarship Standard and Coverage..doc

3. Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS)-For Applicants.pdf

4. Foreigner Physical Examination Form..pdf